Friday, August 31, 2007

Google Earth Flight Simulator

Related article: Traffic analysis of this post

Some time last week, Google expanded Google Earth with Google Sky. As fascinating as Google Sky is, that's not the focus of this post. Along with the latest update comes a hidden feature of which I cannot seem to find any other information about. It's not in the release notes and a search on Google produces no results. Seems Google have done one of their unpublicised updates they're becoming well-known for.

What I'm talking about is a flight simulator embedded within GE. Sounds awesome, doesn't it? If the thought amazes you as much as it did me, then might have run off and tried it for yourself. But there's a problem. Remember what I said above - it's a hidden feature!

First of all you'll have to install the latest version of GE. Once you've started it all up, then all you have to do is hit Ctrl+Alt+A (if you're running OS X it's Command+Option+A; some people have reported that Ctrl+A or Ctrl+Windows+A work when the standard Ctrl+Alt+A does not). You must be in Earth mode (i.e. not Sky mode) for this to work . If all goes as planned the following dialog should pop up:

As you can see from the screenshot there are only two aircraft to choose from at this stage. The F16 I find is much more enjoyable for a quick stint as it goes much faster than the SR22. Try both though as they're quite different flights. Then you get to pick a start position. The default option of Kathmandu runway gives you in the following scene:

Before going wild pressing random keys like I did, have a look at the controls. Sidetracking a bit, you'll notice that the top of that page gives proof that Google purposefully hid this feature:

Once you have entered flight simulator mode for the first time, you can re-enter the mode by choosing Tools > Enter Flight Simulator.
Moving on though, you can get a quick start by holding Page Up for a few seconds to increase to maximum thrust (thrust meter is the left bar of the lower-left meters). Once you've accelerated to a sufficient velocity use the arrow keys to take-off. The keys are in reverse as one would expect with any flight simulator, so use the down arrow to take-off. When you've gained enough altitude then stabalise the aircraft to a straight flight path.

It can be rather tricky to get the hang of as the controls are quite sensitive. However, the same can be said of any reasonable flight simulator as that's the nature of flying. After a little fiddling around and once you're stable you should see a nice view of the Himalayas out on the horizon:

I guess this next screenshot should have come before the last, since it's what most people will see first. However, this is not as bad as it may appear. Although I admittedly was very poor when I started out, I learned with a little practice. This shot is actually of a controlled upside-down flight. If I was really out of control I wouldn't have been able to capture such a nice shot!

To round up on the screenshots, here are a couple quick ones from flying over Frankfurt and New York. They're not all that fascinating to look at, especially when compared to the real experience.

Overall, I think they've done a good job considering (assuming?) this is their first release. There are several things missing though. A major thing is that you don't get a view of the aircraft at all. It would be nice if they could add several views, including a view from within the cockpit with full controls, etc. The controls are covered well. It works with joysticks, however I couldn't find one to test with. The mouse control is very effective although switching between mouse and keyboard I found a little poor as it would jerk the aircraft.

Unfortunately with poor bandwidth in South Africa most of the scenes didn't get a chance to fully load before going out of view. I'm sure this won't be an issue with a decent line. Even without it loading in full it was still very usable, which is a big plus!

The airports are covered fairly well, with almost all major airports included in the list. Perhaps a search option could be added to search for airports, since all the data should already be available as it's displayed in the main Google Earth view. However, the locations might not have sufficient precision. I think the aircraft selection needs to be improved drastically before this is fully launched.

All-in-all I think it's a great feature Google has added to one of their top products. I still remember the days when Microsoft Flight Simulator was considered so cool and that you had to pay for! With a bit more work this has lots of potential to greatly surpass other flight simulators.

Discussion on Reddit
Discussion on Digg
Discussion on Shoutwire
Discussion on Slashdot
Youtube video - startup
Youtube video - flight tips

UPDATE: If you are struggling to get into flight simulator mode then follow the instructions below to manually enable flight simulator. After enabling, go Tools -> Enter Flight Simulator.


Download FlightSim.reg, double click on it and restart Google Earth.


echo 1 > .googleearth/Registry/google/googleearthplus/User/flightsim/isenabled

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Computer Science Honours at UCT: Part 1

Today the 3rd years were given some presentations and the likes to try convince them into doing Computer Science honours next year. I was quite surprised to year the low number of only 68 3rd years there are this year, which can be compared to our number last year of about 110. To help make the decision easier for some, I'll start reviewing the modules we had on offer this year. These are only the first few - more to come later.

Research Methods (RM):

Combined with PCU (more later), RM is the only compulsory module for CS honours. In some ways I was unfortunate to have missed most of the lectures for this course (not by choice). Honours is the first year in which research is introduced and this course covers the basic research techniques. This year we were lectured by Edwin, however there appears to be a rotation strategy with this course. Of the lectures I did attend I picked up on some useful content. Our project proposals and literature review formed the mark for this module.

Professional Communication Unit (PCU):

Many people complain about PCU when they are forced to do it in third year. Some also did it in other courses. However, from the few lectures I attended (again, I missed most of them) I actually enjoyed the course. It was nothing at all like what we did in third year. We had several group discussions about matters such as formal meetings and many other things. There were fun group exercises which made the stretch of 4-5 consecutive lectures bearable.

An oral presentation done in pairs and an essay were the two assignments for the module. For the presentation you are recorded and have to watch all the recordings as a group. You get a dry run for which Terri really picks on everyone, but the comments are constructive and useful for the real presentation a week later. If you do NVP (see later) you don't have to do the essay as you do a business report for NVP which is then counted towards PCU. I did NVP and so never did the PCU essay.

New Venture Planning (NVP):

NVP is all about starting a business. The end goal is to produce a business plan in groups of four and give a presentation on the business. That's the assignment, and there is no exam. The lectures follow a discussion format and each one covers a different aspect of businesses from coming up with ideas to financial statements. It can be interesting if you are considering ever starting your own company, however, given the choice again I wouldn't take it.

The business plan is roughly 30 pages and you build on it throughout the course. Jonathan, the lecturer, gives some good feedback on the drafts. To get an idea of what it's like, you can see my group's business plan here. Warning: the idea we (I) knew wouldn't work all along, but we Jonathan liked the idea and we convinced him it would work! As you might have guessed, he is not a Computer Scientist in any way.

IFIP Summer School:

This might not be offered next year, but if it is it's very worthwhile attending. You go to Gordon's Bay for a week of talks by nine speakers covering a wide diversity of topics. Interesting topics this year included Stochastic Pi-Calculus (biological programming language, which while sounds scary was actually very interesting) and Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (by Christopher Bishop - the lead researcher in the field!).

The assignment for this module was scrapped since it was as insane amount of work. The assignment (and exam) was set by University of Pretoria and there was obviously a misunderstanding about the workload. The exam was therefore the graded work for this module, but it was bad enough. It was a ten hour take-home exam in which we had to writeup in a very hand-wavy manner on three of the nine topics. The exam was really silly in my opinion and it spoilt the wonderful talks. I would strongly recommend attending, however without taking it for credit, i.e. no assignment/exam.

Advanced Computer Systems (ACS):

Don't let the name confuse you. This module covers advanced networking topics such as wireless networks and mesh networks. It's lectured by Kritzinger - I'll let you ponder that for yourself. Last year there was only one student that took the module, however this year we started out as nine. The first half of lectures covered basic probability theory and Markov theory. Kritzinger isn't very good on lecturing the basic statistics and so I would be cautious about taking the module if you don't have any stats background. If you enjoyed his third year course, however, you might want to consider taking it.

I only attended the lectures without taking it for credit, so didn't do the assignment/exam. The assignment was to take a research topic in networking such as ad hock networks and write a paper on it. The exam was a 15 minute oral exam which was apparently very easy.

Computer Graphics for Gaming (CGG):

An enjoyable course on introductory computer graphics. This course is (has) been consumed by the new gaming stream now offered at UCT. Since it will no longer be offered as an honours module from next year I feel it's pointless discussing further. However, I'd like to warn those going into second year that you will not be able to do any form of graphics if you don't take the gaming stream. And the advanced graphics module contains some very interesting stuff, especially if you're into your maths.

Network and Internetwork Security (NIS):

NIS covers some interesting topics in cryptography. However, I find it goes too deep into the protocols and not enough into the details of the actual cryptographic methods. It's a very high level overview of security in its current form, but a fair amount of the content should already be common knowledge.

The assignment is made out to sound very complex, however most people ended up doing very simple watered-down versions of one of the protocols. To give you an example our group covered DNS security and we easily got away with implementing what amounted to a dumb DNS server with a table mapping full domain names to an IP address. Of course security was added, so some of the important stuff was covered, but we weren't required to produce the hierarchy that's typical of DNS.

I would be 50-50 as to whether I'd choose this module given the choice again.

That should get you thinking if you're considering honours in Computer Science next year. Reviews of the remaining modules will come in later posts. The really interesting ones are still to come, so don't make your decision based on this post alone!

Part 2

Monday, August 27, 2007

ACM ICPC Registration

It's that time of year again. The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest is fast approaching, with the Southern African regionals set to take place on the 20th October.

For UCT students, we've just opened up registration which for the first time is all done online (it's about time!). You can head on over to the following site for registration (remember, UCT only!):

If you are at another university in Southern Africa, check the regional site for further information. If you want to participate, but are stuck finding who to contact at your university, drop a comment here and I'll try my best to help you out.

For those at UCT, we have arranged some special deals with Google which should make this year even more spectacular than ever before. As if being crushed by Bruce wasn't enough (remember last year?), how about being crushed by Bruce working together with a couple Google engineers? ;-) Ag, it's fun times. Even if you get 0, you'll still have a ball.

Remember that this is Bruce and Carl's last year with us (and likely to be my last one at UCT too), so make this one special for us. Let's get as many teams as we can. Let's show all the other universities we're competing against who's the best! A repeat of the top 5 at the IT Challenge would be amazing, but just as amazing would be getting 20 teams. :-P

The world finals are in Canada next year, hosted by the University of Alberta. The hotel looks simply amazing:

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Facebook Programming

This month I delved deep into the big, evil mass that has somehow managed to attract so many millions in such a short time. I'm talking of Facebook.

In May this year they launched the Facebook Platform, an API for developers to develop their own applications that could integrate into Facebook. Most of you will better understand me if I simply referred to Facebook applications. Those things that many consider to have damaged Facebook beyond repair. Super Poke anyone?

There's a course on Internet Interoperability offered at UCT and I was contemplating whether or not to take it. When I discovered the assignment would be developing a Facebook application, however, I thought it could be an interesting experience. I don't think I would have investigated it on my own as I'm not all that interested, but since we were being taught on the topic I decided to take the course for fun.

The code for an application is hosted by the developer and Facebook queries the developer's server when the application is accessed by a user. For scalability purposes, the profile box is generated only by the application only when a user takes an action such as configuring th application. The generated FBML (more on that later) is stored by Facebook to provide pseudo-dynamic content that when is already there when a user views the application on a profile.

A developer codes up several pages, such as the installation page, the dashboard and the main application page. Each can interact with Facebook by sending and retrieving data using its REST-based API. The API offers a SQL-like query language called FQL to retrieve specific data, while this is all retrievable by other API calls. The code then outputs FBML (Facebook Markup Language) which is a subset of HTML with some Facebook-specific tags, such as fb:name, which are translated into HTML by Facebook. When code on the developer server is called, the code can set the FBML of the profile box.

There's a lot more to developing an application, but that's the basics. One of the major hassles I found is the numerous small things you had to do to come up with a complete application. There are so many pages, some of which they could easily offer template pages for, such as invitations, installation, etc. The other hassle was the number of round-trips between the application and Facebook servers very easily caused timeouts. Bear in mind the awful latencies between South Africa and the rest of the world!

If you're wondering what application I developed, it's a simple application which gathers publications from OAI feeds. It lets you select and display a list of your publications. It's not polished at all, so I wouldn't call it very useful. I used it myself to just experiment around with Facebook applications. If you really want to check it out, it's available here.

After all that, we also wrote an essay on the interoperability of Facebook. It was a fairly interesting topic, but it was a little restrictive on the content. You can grab mine here. I'd be interested to hear what other Facebook developers think.

Friday, August 24, 2007

IOI Photos

I've gathered all the photos our team took and have made them available here. Still waiting to get from two more and I'll add them when I do.

This is my first time using Picasa and I must say it's very useful. It's also available for Linux.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

IOI Results

The results of IOI 2007 are out. Tomasz Kulczyński of Poland won with a total of 574/600 with two Chinese trailing behind him followed by a Croatian. We got two bronze medals with Ralf just missing out on silver by two places (6 points) and Dirk-B making the other end of bronze.

The results are available in full here. Henadzi Karatkevich of Belarus won the youngest medalist award - winning a gold (20th place) at the age of 13! Chinese once again got four golds.

Dirk-B receiving his bronze:

Ralf receiving his medal:

The full team after the awards ceremony (Donald, Marco, Mark, Dirk-B, Ralf, Charles, Peter):

All is over now. Tomorrow we catch a 10:00 bus to the airport. It's been a wonderful time, even with the few criticisms. I'd love to return to Egypt next year, which from speaking around looks like could be an amazing year.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

IOI Excursion: Plitvice Lakes

Yesterday was the main excursion day at the IOI. The main part of the excursion was visiting the Plitvice Lakes, after which we visited the Nikola Tesla Memorial Center. The Plitvice Lakes are part of UNESCO's world heritage and is apparently the most famous national park in Croatia.

There were two groups of buses, with the first leaving at 06:30 and ours leaving at a more reasonable 08:30. It was a long bus ride as the park was 140km out of Zagreb. We finally got moving at 09:00 and arrived two hours later. Before catching the bus we had breakfast. When we arrived they gave us a packet of yet more food!

The park was very beautiful. It was overcast for most of the time and even rained for short periods, but that didn't detract from the beauty too much. After walking a little, everyone gathered around to board the ferries. Unfortunately we were near the back and all the ferries were full. We were told that it would take two hours before we could catch a ferry, so we took their recommendation and walked.

There was a lovely path following the edge of the lake which we took. We got to see lovely views of the lake and surrounding mountains. I would say it turned out best that we walked instead of taking the ferry. It took quite a bit longer, although the wait for the ferry would have made the ferry option take longer. Along the way we saw several types of unusual mushrooms and other wonderful sites.

After about 90 minutes we caught up with the rest of the group that had taken the ferry. This is when we discovered that the plan was for us to wait those two hours for the ferry. Most of the people we met up with there were from the 06:30 bus and this meant we had gone through the route too quickly. So we took a detour and went to see some of the waterfalls. Unfortunately we never got to see the main waterfall, but apparently there's not too drastic a difference.

After the waterfall Dirk challenged Ralf to some rock climbing which he accepted. He didn't get too far, but at there were no unwanted injuries. I say that because one of the other contestants apparently cut himself, although I'm not sure how bad it was. It always happens!

After the waterfall and monkey acts, we rejoined the main group to catch the ferry back to the entrance. It started raining a little while we were waiting, but after the first lot of ferries were loaded we got a spot under the trees so we never got all that wet. There were two ferries we had to catch and we got back to the buses by 15:00, the time we were told to be there. The problem was that we were about the only ones there. All the others were still walking around the park - late!

The other teams came in very slow drips and drabs and we ended up waiting for more than 90 minutes. Most of that time we spent outside the bus in the fresh air, however the time we spent in the bus waiting for the thing to move was painful as it was rather stuffy inside. The opportunity to see those wonderful lakes was well worth it though, but the organisation could have been improved a great deal. We were supposed to be back at our accommodation by 18:00 and it was already 16:30 with lots to still do. As time passed, the poor organisation became more and more evident. The guides were by no means the ones with which the blame lies as they were following the poor instructions given to them.

Once the bus finally moved, we were taken to what they called lunch, however it was already 16:45 by the time we arrived. We split into two restaurants as they weren't large enough. Donald and Peter chose turkey so they went off to another place while we had the pork option. The food was good.

After lunch we had to wait yet another half an hour for the buses to arrive, pick us up and start moving. By this time it was already about 18:30. We thought they would cut out the Telsa Center, however they were adamant that even though they were running well behind schedule they were going to take us there. The memorial center is in the very house he was born and lived in, out in the rural area of Croatia.

It was rather small and most of what they had was a timeline of Croatian history. They had a tesla coil, which is what Tesla is famous for inventing, however it wasn't powered on. I generally like most museums, but considering how far we had to go to get there, this place wasn't all that exciting. The youngsters spent more time in the rather interesting playground which had some unusual swings and other devices with which the guys had a ball with.

We left the place at about 21:00. One of the buses broke down along the way and the teams inside that one spread out amongst the remaining buses. Most of them had to stand in the buses as there weren't enough seats, which was expected. The journey back was very long and we finally arrived at our accommodation at about 23:30. I rushed to dinner before the queue started and was very lucky along with Mark and Dirk as by the time the others had thought about dinner the queue was very long.

There was a team leader's part schedule for 21:00-23:00. You can imagine, however, that they weren't able to stick to those times and so they started at about midnight. I went past, but there were very few there and some ran off to their own private parties and so I didn't stick around for long at all. An early night was in order and that's what I got.

This morning we had our final GA meeting. Amongst many other things, we voted for the new IC (International Committee) and ISC (International Scientific Committee) members. An Argentinian and Macedonian got the the two IC positions with a New Zealander missing out. A Polish and Mexican beat the Australian and Chinese that nominated themselves for the two ISC positions.

After the meeting we went out and did some shopping. At 17:00 this evening the medals are announced at the awards ceremony. While some people have compiled an unofficial list of some of the teams' scores here, nobody knows the medal cutoffs. It looks as though a Polish has won again and that the Chinese have got all golds once again.

Monday, August 20, 2007

IOI Competition Day 2

Today was the second day of competition and it's now all over. Now there's the anxious wait till the awards ceremony on Tuesday evening, with an excursion to the Plitvice Lakes tomorrow, which I've heard is going to be amazing.

Quick catch-up on the events since my last post. On Friday night we discovered that the room next door was not empty as we had originally thought. Rob Kolstad was in it. He stuffed up with his flights and booked to arrive a day late. Anyway, he's one of those people that just knows how to talk, and talk. Between Rob and Donald our early night turned into a late night, 3 hours of chatting about life stories later. It was enjoyable though.

Yesterday we had an excursion to the Jarun Lake. It was a nice break from the usual environment and although it was overcast when we arrived, the sun came out later on which made things rather pleasant. There wasn't much to actually do there besides relax and chat with the other teams, but it was great. Now's a good time to mention just how much they try feeding us. We had brunch at the lake, which followed an early breakfast. Then when we returned, we still had lunch and then dinner later on! And it's all fairly decent for such an event.

One of the New Zealand contestants borrowing Charles' juggling balls at the lake:

After lunch we took another tour of the city. Unfortunately the shops closed at 15:30, so we didn't have much shopping time. However, we had a wonderful time seeing more of the city. One thing I really love about most European cities is the rich history. Zagreb's not excluded by any means!

After the tour of the city, it was time to wish the team good luck and go over to the GA meeting to go through the second and final problem set. This time I had Brian Deen from America sitting next to me and we went through the problems together. Miners was an easy DP. Pairs requires a 3D range tree, which can be compressed into a 2D range tree. Quad trees should also work for most test cases. Training was a very nasty graph theory problem involving even cycles. The problems, test data and official solutions have been released here.

There weren't any major concerns with the problems, except that it was requested the them of Pairs change from what it was initially. The English was a little poorer for this second set of problems, but it was dealt with well and much more efficiently than the first round. The atmosphere was as good as always. We were out of the translation room by 23:00.

The next morning when we went for breakfast, we were pleased to find that the quarantine issues from before had been ironed out and there was no repeat this time. While the contestants wrote the second round, we once completed the second half of the IOI Conference. Once again, some very interesting talks by some countries which we will have to analyse in more detail and learn from their experiences.

After the conference we waited for the team to return. The initial look on their faces wasn't that excited, but they thought they had faired reasonably well. Some ended up pleasantly surprised with their scores, while others a bit disappointed. For all but one of them this is their last IOI. After lunch the scores were waiting for us, which was very impressive. We got 2 triple digit scores and two double digits. I'll let out the real scores after the awards ceremony on Tuesday. Bruce back home on the online contest has impressed once again though. He got the max!! That's all their is to say really.

We had a meeting with Rob after the analysis phase on the possibility of creating a team event for the future, but I'll leave the details to a later post. There was also a very long GA meeting during which lots happened, but details in later post. Just one thing worth noting is some statistics on mark distribution per problem:

Aliens: 50 full scores
Flood: 24 full scores
Sails: 12 full scores
Miners: 131 full scores
Pairs: 9 full scores
Training: 3 full scores

So, watch out for more on those two meetings and our trip to the lakes tomorrow!

Friday, August 17, 2007

IOI Competition Day 1

The first day of competition is over and apart from a few small hiccups all went well. This is my first time on the leader side of things and I'm quite surprised at the number of meetings we attend, but in a good way. I feel it's excellent that we can all easily have our say, unlike the ACM ICPC where we only have two brief meetings which are often dominated by a few individuals.

It started yesterday with the practice session for which the contestants had two hours to get themselves used to the contest environment and grading system. A couple pictures of our team during this session:

After the practice session, we took seats for the opening ceremony. They had a Croatian quire sing for us, which was beautiful. The speaches were boring as always. The fun part was when they went through the teams and two of our guys blew vuvuzelas, which excited the crowd. They were even interviewed about these strange "horns" as they refer to them in the newsletter.

As team leaders, we received the problems last night. You can grad a copy of them along with the test data here. We spent some time going over the problems and picking out any ambiguities or the likes and trying to get them changed. While checking the problems we also attempted to solve them. We got Aliens pretty quickly. Flood we discussed a bit and although we never quite got a full solution, we got the bits and pieces.

Kim from the Netherlands showing his boredom with the translation:

Not attempting to code the problems makes you a little slack I feel. With Sails on the other hand, we discussed numerous solutions, while all of them were either incorrect for special cases or too inefficient.

There weren't many serious changes that needed to be made, although it still took us to midnight before the English texts were finalised. We were then allowed to sign off, while the others remained to translate into their primary language for their students. We were lucky being English speaking as some teams stayed till after 3am! While waiting for the final version we chatted mostly with the other English speaking teams - Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, UK, US, etc.

This morning we wake up and go out to breakfast and we see a large group of contestants waiting for the buses. They were supposed to be separated from us after we were shown the problems. Obviously there were some problems and a lack of guard resulted in what could have turned into a serious matter. Some leaders were even told to walk through the crowd of students!

After we finished breakfast, the students were set to start at 08:30. A short while later we went to the IOI Conference - a first attempt at hearing the various countries experiences in their national olympiads. It was a reasonable success in my opinion, although the poor English of some speakers made it to some extent difficult to follow. There were some interesting issues and solutions that were brought up, some of which we might even consider taking into account when working on evolving our own event.

After the conference we waited for the contestants to return in the buses. They seemed very excited they saw us, discussing with us how they tackled the problems. Still none of them had a full solution to Sails, which made me wonder about the difficulty of the problem. After lunch we got the scores - less than two hours after the competition ended. The results were scattered, with two double and two triple digit scores. The top score was 120 and from discussing with some of the other teams there appears to be many high scores for today. There's an unofficial summary of some of the results here, which puts at least five teams on a full score of 300! I later found out that own very own Bruce Merry also got the max in the online contest.

We had a discussion about the problems and the competition. There were a few issues that the team brought up, some of which were mentioned by others at the following GA meeting. We let the other issues go as they were relatively minor.

All in all, a good day of competition. Hopefully the guys can pick up the pace on Sunday for the second and final competition day. Good luck guys!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Arrival in Croatia

After a reasonable length flight (15 hours), we arrived in Croatia late last night for the IOI. The New Zealand and Egypt team were on the same flight as us. New Zealanders had a broken bag on arrival and so we had to wait for them to sort that out before we could take the bus to our accommodation. Egypt has sent 14 observers since they will be hosting the event in Cairo next year.

Team photo at Zagreb Airport:

We arrived at about 23:30 at a reasonable (as hostels go) hostel. Contestants are in a separate building to the rest of us team leaders, observers and guests. We have free, speedy Internet access here (this test says 50mbps and 60ms ping) and so, guess what our main communication medium between contestants and coaches is?

This morning we went to register at 09:00. The process was a little chaotic, but we were the third to arrive and so some forgiveness is in order. We got yet another bag and three t-shirts and plenty other free goodies as always. It's a public holiday here today and they never served breakfast so we had to search for an open shop. Our guide, Mislav, was very kind and took us on a tour of the city center, telling us lots of Croatian history along the way. One of the things I enjoy about Europe is the rich history and cultures they have and Croatia is no disappointment in that regard.

Some pics of our city tour (more available here):

Tomorrow we have a practice session and opening ceremony followed by two GA meetings, which is where us team leaders discuss things important and not so important. Remember to check out the online contest on Friday.

Something I can't believe I almost forgot to mention. The heat here is pretty intense, especially coming from chilly and rainy Cape Town weather. It's over 30° today with a forecast of 36° tomorrow. Add that to the high humidity levels and you get heat exhausting, big time!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Eendrag Burns!

This was the scene at Stellenbosch University yesterday:

One of their residences, Eendrag, caught fire yesterday early morning. Most of the third floor and roof is completely destroyed! There were only two injured, although one of them is likely to be permanently paralyzed!

Two of the members of the IOI team I will be taking to Croatia next week, Ralf Kistner and Dirk-B Coetzee, used to live there. Luckily they don't seem to have been affected too much by it in terms of damaged property. One of their friends, who also lived there, posted a couple comments on a previous post. There's a large collections of photos and a video here and some comments by the students here.

I hope for all the best in recovering from this disaster, and especially that the injured recover as much as possible.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

IOI Online Contest

It was just announced today that this year's IOI problems will be available online an hour after the real contest and you can have a bash at them as well as submit solutions. So if you're keen on getting a taste of some of the action I will be getting (albeit as coach, not contestant), be sure to free yourself next week Friday 17th and Sunday 19th.

The contest will be hosted at It should be interesting to see how the now experienced ex-contestants such as Bruce Merry can do against the youngsters. Unfortunately as I will be on site I won't be able to take part in the online contest, however I'll see the problems the evening before so I'll most certainly give them a bash on paper (or in my head).

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Training the Youth

When a paper-based round was added to the SACO in 2003, suddenly the participation nearly tripled. Students without access to a computer were finally able to participate. However, participation in the computer-based second round (or what was originally the first round) remained fairly constant. If someone did well in the first round, but never knew how to program, there wasn't much they could do.

Yesterday, however, the situation was improved slightly. The top students from schools unable to compete in the second round were invited to learn Python. I was one of the three students that went to teach them. There were 15 of them and only 4 of them had any programming experience (Java). The rest knew nothing about programming before we visited them.

I was expecting there to be maybe a couple interested with the rest wishing they weren't there. I couldn't have been more wrong. They were all very eager to learn and they caught on surprisingly quickly. There was one that wasn't too interested, but the rest found it so amazing that they were learning to control the computer. Withing less than three hours they understood up to if-else statements. To put it into perspective, it usually takes two weeks before loops are covered at UCT using Java.

The SACO started advertising Python since 2005 when The Shuttleworth Foundation sponsored prizes for the top Python 3rd round participants. Since then UCT has spawned a 1st year Python course for advanced programmers as a replacement to the usual Java course. Most students taking the course get hooked onto Python. While I do have other favourites for other tasks, I certainly like using Python for several tasks mainly due to its conciseness.

There have been discussions about Python replacing Java at schools. However, most teachers are against change and so it's a difficult battle. From the experience of training these kids with little to no programming experience I can confidently say that Python is a much better teaching language than Java. There's nothing that is required before it can be explained, such as the classic "public static void main(String args[]) {". Compare System.out.println() in Java to print in Python. It's self-evident which is easier to teach.

The training continued today, however I had other kiddies to train. This time it was ACM ICPC training. The regional contest is coming up in mid-October so now was time to get the training started. As I can no longer compete, having won two regionals, I am now doing the training. Some of this bunch are older than me even, which makes for could make for an interesting experience if one of them wins. We went over some old problems, which some of them tackled fairly well.

Next weekend the training continues, but once again with a different bunch. I be training the IOI team I'm going with to Zagreb, Croatia on the 14th. For that training we have to set new problems for them to solve under competition conditions, i.e. a mock IOI.

Petrol Strike: Pumps Dry

Those in South Africa are likely to have heard about the recent strike by fuel truck drivers. Yesterday Cape Town was hit by the strike, while Johannesburg and Pretoria have been feeling the impact earlier this week. I was one of the unfortunate to get to the petrol station too late as by yesterday most pumps were already dry.

The drivers were given an 8% wage increase, but they are demanding a 9.5% increase as well as demanding temporary workers be made permanent. While in South Africa we are actually very lucky that we aren't that badly affected by strikes (I know it's far worse in Europe), it's awful just thinking about how such a simple problem can have widespread consequences affecting so many people. Think about how many people are stuck without any petrol, unable to use their cars at all!

It appears as though the situation is improving with oil companies using contract drivers to deliver petrol. They still haven't come to an agreement and one only hopes all will return to normal operations quickly.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Grand Turismo 5

Gran Turismo has always been my favourite PlayStation game. It's the only series I've always anxiously awaited the next release of. The fifth installment is planned for release early next year. It will be the first 1080P PS3 game.

Here's a short trailer that was shown at E3 last month:

Sony quite a while ago made a concept version of the game, Gran Turismo HD Concept, available free for download. As you can imagine though, the file was rather large and the bandwidth in SA rather lacking. Yesterday being the last day of the month however, I was able to let the the thing consume all the bandwidth it required - which turned out to be 690MB!

So I started playing around with it this afternoon. I must say I'm pretty impressed. This concept version is based on the new engine built for GT5 and I can certainly feel the difference. They provide ten cars to test, but only one track. One of the cars is a Ferrari, which I'm glad to see they've finally sorted out a license for! The graphics aren't there just yet, but that we can judge when the full game is launched.

Let the serious PS3 games roll on out!